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  • @"-_______-" said: Thanks for the reply, I appreciate the detailed information. I think I will just purchase some recent PTs from LSAC directly and use those in combination with the 7Sage PTs I already have. Curious if you have any strong op…
  • Yes, it's suggested under testing conditions. I'm pretty sure they are based on his own time. The ideal times for the four games in any given LG section cumulatively total 35 minutes, so you might be +1/2 minutes on one kind of game, but -1/2 minute…
  • You're likely to get a lot of differing views to this question. But to put my bottom line up front: yes, I think you are missing out by not seeing any PTs in the 60s, 70s, or 80s. If you're aiming for a score in the mid-160s, I would argue that you …
  • @datboikevin said: Do you guys know if we're getting the pen and keyboard along with the tablet? Yeah not sure where to ask this (and I’m sure this has been asked elsewhere) but is there no way to annotate the text as you read? Is the 7Sage …